New essentials & attempting to grow eyelashes πŸ™Š

As you all know I had a big shop in body shop and lush a few days ago, but last night I realised that I haven’t got a good make-up remover/cleanser. Back to body shop I went and how could I stop myself from taking advantage of their 3 for 2 offer on all make-up products, so I bought these: Seaweed Ionic Clay Mask, Seaweed Purifying Facial Cleanser and the Tea Tree Pore Minimiser. The seaweed selection is for combination/oily skin which is perfect for my skin as I tend to get an oily T-zone and dry patches on my cheeks and forehead (pain in the bum I know!). I also donated to a charity and they gave me a free sample of their strawberry lotion (smells so good!!).

I then made a little trip to TK Max and bought these products: Talika Lipocils Travel Exclusive kit and the Precision Beauty Blending kit. 

The first product I picked up in body shop was the Seaweed Purifying Facial Cleanser. 


This removes impurities, make-up and excess oil without over-drying kin or clogging pores! This product is also oil free with bladderwrack seaweed.   

I will be doing reviews on all these products after a couple of weeks! This next product, Seaweed Ionic Clay Mask, draws out impurities and clarifies the skin by controlling excess oil – perfect for combination skin! 

The last product I bought from body shop, Tea Tree Pore Minimiser, is perfect for blemished skin. The whole tea tree collection in body shop is perfect for those who have frequent/even infrequent break outs. I chose this product as I am fed up with the clogged up pores I have on my nose and chin – why won’t they just budge! This makes pores look smaller, skin feels purer, smooths, primes and instantly mattifies which makes it perfect for putting it on under make-up. 

In TK Max, I picked up this product, Talika Lipocils Eyelash and Eyebrow Conditioning Kit, and I have heard mostly good things about it!   

The first product out of the kit is the Lipocils expert which naturally boosts the growth, colour pigmentation and increases the curve of the lashes!

On the information leaflet, it states that their study of 30 volunteers over 28 days found that lashes are: longer +36%, darker +50% and curlier +50%.

On the reviews, many said that it actually works but takes quite a bit of time to see the difference so for this I will do a review after a month! This next one is the Liposourcils expert which is composed of naturally sources active ingredients and apparently “renews” eyebrows little by little. They become thicker by stimulating the growth, the natural colour pigment and strength of the eyebrow hair. 

In their study of 29 women after six weeks, they stated that their eyebrows: are fuller (75%), have fewer gaps (78%), lose less hair (70%) and are naturally repigmented (57%).

Given these results, I am more than willing to give these products a try! So I will be doing a review on both products together in a months time!! – YAY! In the information leaflet, it stated that there was a third product, illuminating tweezers, however this was not in the kit that I bought – boo! The packet was completely sealed so I feel like there is not reason to take this any further (I did call up but they only offered me a refund). The RRP: Β£51.90, but in TK Max the price was Β£12 – BARGIN (if it works 😜).  

Have you used any of these products? Let me know what products you prefer ☺️ and get ready for the reviews in a months time!

P.s. I will be doing a giveaway soon when I’ve reached 100 followers! Only 10 to go! Please reblog this!!

Love you long time chickies! ❀️

One thought on “New essentials & attempting to grow eyelashes πŸ™Š

  1. Pingback: Weekly update on my attempt at growing my eyelashes πŸ‘€ | In dishabille

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